Monday 11 April 2016

A visit to an old friend.

Today, I and a friend went to visit another friend who is an artist. All three of us went to secondary school together but we hadn't met physically for about three years, although I was in touch with both of them.  My visit was majorly to discuss business, but like we always did in the old days, we used up a good 5 - 6 hours laughing and catching on our lives. So typical. 

We discussed everything under the sun; life, family, politics, religion, health and definitely the good old days and the people we went to school with. It was interesting that we were talking as if we last met just a few days ago. We just seemed to pick up from wherever it is we left off. 

Now, we are all grown up, supposedly, lived life and seen what the world is like. We have been through happy times, sad times, difficult times, uplifting times and all the kinds of times in between. We have all traveled beyond our country's borders, either for school or work and seen different cultures and met different people. But at the core of all that is that we are still the same people we were back the with our short hair and wearing red skirts and white blouses in school except maybe a little wiser.

There are some people you might meet after several years and you just can't strike up a conversation with them nor do you even feel comfortable being around them. Well, for us today, it was a successful reunion. We were still as comfortable as we were back in school. To be honest, I don't know whether it was that we have similar upbringing, hold the same values or whether we have that kind of friendship which involves mutual respect and the knowledge that everyone has something they have achieved in life and deserve to be respected. 

Anyway after hours of catching up, we finally got down to business. Again the ideas were flowing, support for each other and recognition that like were a team in school, we had to be a team to build something else, this time away from the laughing and stories. Finally the lessons we learned about teamwork, being creative and building social networks were coming in handy, because much as were are friends we went into different professions. 

I must say it was a great day, I feel lighter, hopefully so do the others. The lesson I learned is that in life no matter how independent you would like to be, you will always need someone for something even if it is just for a great laugh.